Volunteering with VASRA
Robinson Crew is a member of the Virginia Scholastic Rowing Association. VASRA organizes the regattas that we participate in during the rowing season and volunteers are critical to successful regattas. Each rowing team in VASRA is required to contribute volunteer support at regattas and it is a great way to complete volunteer hour requirements. Plus - you will get to watch your child race!
Regattas require a lot of coordination and might feel a little overwhelming. Here's some information to help get you oriented and ready to volunteer.
Please note, our team will be penalized (fined, not allowed to participate in future regattas) if you do not complete your volunteer assignment. If you cannot complete your assignment, you should find a substitute and notify our volunteer chair, Leann Parente via Slack if this happens so that we can update the VASRA Coordinator.
Volunteers should show up 1 hour before the job starts (the job start time is the time you should be in position and starting the job) to allow enough time to park, walk to the check-in tent and get to your job location. The exception is "helper set-up" where they start extremely early.
Depending on the time of your volunteer slot, parking can be time consuming (there may be traffic getting into the parking areas) and the VASRA tent. The various volunteer jobs can be far apart, so do leave enough time. You must be at your volunteer position at the indicated shift start time shown in the SignUp Genius. Times are subject to change depending on the speed of the race, weather, etc.
Do not bring an extra person with you - each job/slot is for 1 individual only.
Jobs cannot be split between individuals
Do NOT wear red clothing - this color is for officials only.
Every parent who is volunteering should see their child race. VASRA understands that you are there to watch your child row; you may ask to be temporarily released from your duties to watch your child race. Please work with the Local Organizing Committee (LOC) lead at your position (the Volunteer Coordinator if you do not know who that is). They will arrange for shuttles, launches, etc., to transport you to the grandstands to see the race. ***Please return to finish your shift.***
Parking Map for VASRA Regattas at Occoquan

Contact Robinson's VASRA Volunteer Chair, Carla Bissonnette via Slack