2023-2024 Volunteer Positions
For more information about any of these positions or if you would like to volunteer, please contact president@robinsoncrew.org
VASRA Representative (5 points) - Carla Bissonnette
Acts as our liaison with VASRA
Carpool Coordinator # 1 (5 Points) - Jeanette Sonner
Organizes the rower carpool once water practice starts.
Carpool Coordinator #2 (5 Points) - Donna Sisson
Organizes the rower carpool once water practice starts.
Uniforms & Spirit Wear (3 Points) - Megan Counts
Orders and maintains inventory of our spirit wear items.
Bridal Show Coordinator (2 Points) - Sherry Noud
Organizes volunteers for the January bridal show.
Food Tent Coordinator, Home Regattas (5 Points) -Ayan Ahmed Noor
Organizes donations for our rower tent during regatta season.
Letter Writing Coordinator (5 Points) - Micaela Williamson
Runs the annual fundraising letter writing campaign.
Tag Day Coordinator (10 Points) - Diane DiPietro
Runs the annual Tag Day fundraising weekend.
Sponsorship Coordinator (10 Points) - Kate Mattice
Responsible for reaching out to and working with businesses who are willing to sponsor the Robinson Crew team.
VASRA LOC (8 points) #1 - Karena Carlson
Concessions Stand
VASRA LOC (8 points) #2 - Troy Orwan and Christopher Anello
Finish Line
Spring Banquet Coordinator (2 Points) - Shannon Meehan
Responsible for organizing snacks, gifts, etc. at the Spring Banquet.